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Cultural Heritage And Riverside Festivities

Taiwanese Dragon Boat Festival Brings Holiday Cheer and Celebrates Tradition

Cultural Heritage and Riverside Festivities

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Double Fifth Festival, is an annual celebration in Taiwan that brings a long holiday weekend and festivities to honor tradition.

Upcoming Festival Dates

The dates for the Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan are as follows:

  • 2023: June 22nd
  • 2024: June 10th
  • 2025: May 31st

Cultural Significance and Activities

The festival commemorates the life and legacy of the ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan. Activities during the festival include helmsman training, on-land rowing, and traditional dragon boat races.

Taipei Dragon Boat Championships

In addition to local festivities, Taipei hosts the Taipei International Dragon Boat Championships, which showcase the sport and attract teams from around the world.
